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Interval Enclosures for Reliability Metrics


The computation of reliability metrics involves real numbers. Therefore, numerical problems are generated due to the limitation of representing and operating with real numbers in computers. This paper proposes interval functions for controlling numeric errors in the computation of reliability metrics values of complex systems, based on interval mathematics and high accuracy arithmetic. The interval functions calculate interval enclosures, using Intlab toolbox, for real values of reliability metrics and the SHARPE software was used to validate the results. Analysis of the numerical results obtained with the proposed functions showed that the intervals really enclose the real numbers calculated by the software SHARPE, indicating that these functions, in fact, are an alternative for auto-validating representation of these reliability values of complex systems.


Reliability; Interval mathematics; High accuracy arithmetic; Interval enclosures


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TEMA - Trends in Applied and Computational Mathematics

A publication of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SBMAC)
ISSN: 1677-1966 (print version), 2179-8451 (online version)

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Intlab Matlab For Mac Pro

This unique book provides an introduction to a subject whose use has steadily increased over the past 40 years. An update of Ramon Moore s previous books on the topic, it provides broad coverage of the subject as well as the historical perspective of one of the originators of modern interval analysis. The authors provide a hands-on introduction to INTLAB, a high-quality, comprehensive MATLAB® toolbox for interval computations, making this the first interval analysis book that does with INTLAB what general numerical analysis texts do with MATLAB.

Readers will find the following features of interest: elementary motivating examples and notes that help maximize the reader s chance of success in applying the techniques; exercises and hands-on MATLAB-based examples woven into the text; INTLAB-based examples and explanations integrated into the text, along with a comprehensive set of exercises and solutions, and an appendix with INTLAB commands; an extensive bibliography and appendices that will continue to be valuable resources once the reader is familiar with the subject; and a Web page with links to computational tools and other resources of interest.

Intlab Matlab For Mac Free

Intlab Matlab For Mac

Audience: Introduction to Interval Analysis will be valuable to engineers and scientists interested in scientific computation, especially in reliability, effects of roundoff error, and automatic verification of results. The introductory material is particularly important for experts in global optimization and constraint solution algorithms. This book is suitable for introducing the subject to students in these areas.

Contents: Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: The Interval Number System; Chapter 3: First Applications of Interval Arithmetic; Chapter 4: Further Properties of Interval Arithmetic; Chapter 5: Introduction to Interval Functions; Chapter 6: Interval Sequences; Chapter 7: Interval Matrices; Chapter 8: Interval Newton Methods; Chapter 9: Integration of Interval Functions; Chapter 10: Integral and Differential Equations; Chapter 11: Applications; Appendix A: Sets and Functions; Appendix B: Formulary; Appendix C: Hints for Selected Exercises; Appendix D: Internet Resources; Appendix E: INTLAB Commands and Functions; References; Index.