First Company Air Handler Serial Number

  • The label/tag has faded all I have on file is the model number and the serial number, make. Question Posted By Francisco the Building Engineer on May 3, 2011 Refer to the manufacturer’s website for their HVAC nomenclature of the model number and serial numbers and how those numbers correspond to the tonnage and other technical data.
  • After 2002, the first two numbers of the serial number are the decade and the year it was manufactured. The next two numbes are the week it was manuactured After 2002 Example, My Trane Heat Pump, Model No.: 4TWR4036G1000AA, SN: 17103N6M4F was Manufactured in 2017, week 10 (F06-010).
  • Ducane® How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Ducane® HVAC Systems. The date of production/manufacture or age of Ducane® HVAC equipment can be determined from the serial number located on the data plate.
  • Is an industry leader and trusted HVAC supplier to multifamily, hospitality, student housing, and assisted living facilities. Since 1966 their heating and cooling products make buildings more comfortable for people, while protecting the environment and your bottom line.

The first letter of the serial number gives the year of manufacture as follows: O, A=80 (seventh digit) U=82 (seventh digit) X=84 S=86 C=88 E=90 G=92 J=94 L=96 N=1998 R=2000 T=81 (seventh digit) W=83 Y=85 B=87 D=89 F=91 H=93 K=95 M=97 P=1999 Z=2001 In 2002 they started their serial numbers with the year it was built.

How can I tell the age of First Co. Aquatherm or U.S. A/C Products Combo Heater Air Handler from the serial number?

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The first letter of the serial number denotes the year of manufacture, based on the listing below. The serial number may be noted on two lines, as below, or one line.

A = 1994 B = 1995 C = 1996 D = 1997 E = 1997

F = 1998 G = 1999 H = 2000 J = 2001 K = 2002

L = 2003 M = 2004 N = 2005 P = 2006 R = 2007

S = 2008 T = 2009 U = 2010 V = 2011 W = 2012

X = 2013 Y = 2014 Z = 2015

(We assume that the cycle repeats, with A = 2016, etc.,
but not confirmed)
So the “I” in the serial number above indicates the unit was manufactured in 2001. This serial number system is used for both the “AquaTherm' and 'U.S. A/C Products” equipment made by First Co., that circulate the hot water from a gas or oil-fired water heater to the air handler for heating a home.

For the age of another brand or manufacturer, go to our blog post How do I determine the age of my air conditioner?

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To learn more about heating and air conditioning systems, see these other blog posts:

• How can I find out the SEER of my air conditioner?

• My air conditioner won't turn on. What's wrong?

• How can I find out the size of my air conditioner?

• How can I find out the age of my air conditioner or furnace?

• How can I tell whether the condenser (outdoor unit) is an air conditioner or heat pump?

• Where is the air filter for my central air conditioner and furnace? I can’t find it?

• Does an old air conditioner use more electricity as it ages?

• How did homes stay cool in Florida before air conditioning?

• What is wrong with an air conditioner when the air flow out of the vents is low?

• Why has the thermostat screen gone blank?

• Why does it take so long to cool a house when an air conditioner has been off for a while?

• Why is my air conditioner not cooling enough?

• What are the most common problems with wall/window air conditioners?

• Will closing doors reduce my heating and cooling costs?

Visit our HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to theINDEXfor a complete listing of all our articles.

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First Company Air Handler Serial Number List

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First Company Air Handler Serial Number Nomenclature

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AMANA / BLACKHORSEB=1971 or 1981 (Of course, now that they've been bought by Goodman, who knows what'll happen)
BARD1962 to March 1980 Sample Number 123456 A D
1st six digits are the Unit Identity Number. In this example they are represented by the numbers 123456. 7th digit is the month of Manufacture.
8th digit is the year of Manufacture. (The letter D in the Sample represents 1964).
1962 = B 1965 = E 1968 = H 1970 = K 1973 = N Letter 'Q' not used 1978 = T
1963 = C 1966 = F Letter 'I' not used 1971 = L 1974 = O 1976 = R 1979 = U
1964 = D 1967 = G 1969 = J 1972 = M 1975 = P 1977 = S 1980 = V
April & May 1980 Sample number 123 D A 123456
1st three digits are the Compressor Part Number. 4th digit is the month of Manufacture. 5th digit is the year of Manufacture.
In this sample A represents 1980. 1980 = A 6th thru 11th digits represent the Unit Identity Number.
This serial number style was only used during the months of April & May 1980.
June 1980 to Current Sample number 123 H80 1234567 02 1st three digits = Compressor Part # 4th digit = Month
5th & 6th digits = Year 80 = 1980 81 = 1981 82 = 1982 The year 2000 started the numerical numbering from 00.
00 = 2000 01 = 2001 02 = 2002 Right on through to current date. 7th thru 13th digits = Unit Identity #. 14th & 15th digits = Factory Code (01=OH; 02=GA)
Carrier, Bryant, Payne, Day & NightRecently (last 20 years or so) the first four numbers in the serial number represent the week and year.
Previously, it was a complex series of letters and single digits. Call 905-672-0860 if you get stuck.
ColemanSerial numbers prior to April 1992=1st two numbers are month, then year, then series.
After April 1992, 1st two numbers are year, then month, then series. Call 905-672-0860 if you get stuck.
Comfortmaker (International Comfort)Uses the first letter for the month (skipping I) and the first two digits are the year.
First Company Service PartsIs one of 4 divisions of First Operations. They supply OEM equipment to all of the major HVAC manufacturers.
They are located in Dallas, Tx at 214-388-5751. Harold Hammer at Tech Support (ext#5) will answer your questions.
GoodmanFirst two digits of the serial number are the year. Second two are the month.
Lennox Either the first two or second two digits are the year, it varies by era, but most of them actually have a separate sticker somewhere that has the year printed on it. Newer ones are first two equals manufacturing plant #, 2nd two are year and letter in fifth slot is month.
PeerlessPrior to 1984 there was not a date code included as part of the serial number. Starting in 1984, there was a four digit date code following the serial number that was month and year. Example - JO-12345-1084, this unit was built in October of 1984. Starting in the year 2000, same idea only it was a six digit date code following the serial number that is year and month. Example - 1234567-200105, this would have been build in May of 2001.
Anything without the addition to the serial number would have been made before 1984 and would require contact with the factory.
Rheem & Rudd WeatherkingSomewhere in the middle of the serial number will be a letter. The following four numbers are the week and year.
TRANEUses alpha codes in their serial numbers to determine year of manufacture. They started this in 1987 with the letter B and skipped a couple of letters during the years... The first letter of the serial number gives the year of manufacture as follows:
O, A=80(seventh digit) U=82(seventh digit) X=84 S=86 C=88 E=90 G=92 J=94 L=96 N=1998 R=2000
T=81(seventh digit) W=83 Y=85 B=87 D=89 F=91 H=93 K=95 M=97 P=1999 Z=2001
In 2002 they started their serial numbers with the year it was built. In 2002 the first character of the serial number is 2, in 2003, 3 and so on.
Weil-McLainPlease look on the outside jacket of the boiler for a CP Serial Number. It will have a bar code on it. Call (or email) Weil-McLain and they will tell you the date of manufacture. Phone: 219-879-6561 ask for Technical Services
YORK (Unitary Products since 1984)York purchased Fraser, Johnston and Luxaire in 1980.
Year of make indicated by 3rd letter in the serial number. Note: they skip the letters I, O, Q, U, Z.
1971 - A 1975 - E 1979 - J 1983 - N 1987 - T 1991 - Y 1995 - D 1999 - H 2003 - M
1972 - B 1976 - F 1980 - K 1984 - P 1988 - V 1992 - A 1996 - E 2000 - J 2004 - N
1973 - C 1977 - G 1981 - L 1985 - R 1989 - W 1993 - B 1997 - F 2001 - K 2005 - P
1974 - D 1978 - H 1982 - M 1986 - S 1990 - X 1994 - C 1998 - G 2002 - L 2006 - R

Weatherking: 9th box from left is the year